Saturday, December 11, 2010

New Blog

Hi Everyone - I am new to blogging. A little about me. I'm a progressive Catholic, married 41 years to a wonder man. I have three children, the oldest of whom died almost four years ago which has radically changed my life. I have two terrific surviving children and 5 grandchildren.

I have been on an incredible faith journey, especially the past 3 and a half years. I am learning that my relationship with God is more important than dogma and "church" teachings. I have become increasingly disillusioned with the leadership of the Church attempting to dismantle Vatican II and hope to hear from you who share my views and to learn from those of you who do not.

1 comment:

  1. December 16 - The cloud of pain that surrounds me since loosing my child seems to grow heavier during these days of Advent. Many of us at our Bereaved Parents candlight service Tiuesday night seemed to be in the same boat with me. It's so hard to made Christmas preparations for my other children; I'm constantly remined that one of my children will always be missing. Yet in the midth of the sorrow, I have hope. The OT readings for advent remind me that there will come a day when there are no more tears. Come Lord Jesus!
